1. 设备名称The equipment name:数显台式洛氏硬度计The digital Rockwell hardness tester
2. 型号Type:AT 250 DR-TX
3. 生产厂家The manufacturer:瑞士ERNST公司
4. 执行标准According to standard:ISO6506-2, ISO6507-2, ISO6508-2
5. 技术参数:Technical characteristics
5.1 预载荷preload: 10kg (98N)
5.2 洛氏载荷Rockwell : 60-100-150 kg (588-980-1471 N)
5.3 布氏载荷Brinell: 62.5-125-187.5 kg (612-1226-1839 N)
5.4 标尺scale: HRA-HRB-HRC-HRD-HRF- HRG -HB30
5.5 测试范围testing scope: HRC 10—70
5.6 示值误差:符合ISO6506-2, ISO6507-2, ISO6508-2
5.7 Test error: according to ISO6506-2, ISO6507-2, ISO6508-2
5.8 示值重复性误差:符合ISO6506-2, ISO6507-2, ISO6508-2
5.9 Reproducibility precision: according to ISO6506-2, ISO6507-2, ISO6508-2
5.10 显示display:. 直接数显(8.4英寸触摸显示器)Type of reading: direct on 8.4″touchscreen digital display
5.11 读数分辨率display resolution:0.1
5.12 软件功能Function of software: 标尺选择、生成打印报告;数据统计、平均值;语言选择;5个公差范围设定;圆柱面修正;最小可测量厚度显示;硬度计自校准等. Digital indication of the hardness value with functions such as: statistics, histogram, printing of certificate in 5 languages, 5 tolerance, round correction, diameter of indentation, minimum measurable thickness, calibration, etc.
5.13 存储storage:400个文件, 每个文件2500个值。Storage: 400 files and possibility to store up to 2500 values for every file.
5.14 输出output: 2个USB接口或其它方式。Export: two USB interfaces or other
5.15 加载方式和时间:手动。Mode of loading and loading time: Manual
5.16 工作空间深度The depth of working space: 225 mm.
5.17 工作空间高度The height of working space: 400 mm
5.18 压头保护套:直径11mm,高11mm。Standard penetrator shroud: dia.11mm, high: 11mm
5.19 压头行走距离:2.5mm。The stroke of the indenter: 2.5mm
5.20 电压power supply :100-230VAC,50/60Hz
5.21 功率power :0.2kw
5.22 重量weight: 125kg
5.23 尺寸dimension: L30cm x W60cm x H95cm